Working effectively with colleagues and other agencies
This unit looks at the various people within your school and from external agencies who may come into regular contact with a pupil with autism. It considers the impact that these people may have on pupils, and identifies ways in which you can support communication and collaboration to ensure the best outcomes for pupils.
The unit looks at the following areas:
- Identifying those that might have contact with pupils with autism so that they can be trained or informed to better support pupils.
- The importance of communication between staff members.
- The roles of different staff in the school.
- Establishing links with agencies outside the school.
School staff
- Class/form teacher
- Learning support assistant
- Classmates
- Head teacher
- Other teachers
- School governors
- Lunchtime supervisors
- Clerical staff
- Caretaker
- Drivers and escorts
- Visiting professionals
- Other visitors
- Volunteers
Sharing information
List the people who a child in your school has regular contact with. Consider how much each person needs to know about the child.
Most information
Least information
Communication systems in school
Pupils on the autism spectrum are more likely to be vulnerable to gaps and flaws in your school’s communication systems.
Pupils with autismTypically developing pupilsEstablishing links with external agencies
Children with autism may also require support from professionals outside the school.
Educational professionals
- Autism Outreach Services
- Inclusion Services
- Educational psychologists
Health professionals
- Clinical psychologists
- Speech and language therapists (SALTS)
- Occupational therapists
- Paediatricians
- Psychiatrists