If you’re uncertain about how to make the most of the training materials, this guide should give you some useful pointers; specifically, it:

Modules, units and resources – what’s what?

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If you’ve found the various mentions of modules, units and resources a bit daunting or confusing, here’s a quick round-up of what we mean when we use each of these terms:

  • A module is the broad subject grouping that you select to study. There are five of these: autism, MLD, BESD, SpLD and SLCN.
  • Units are the individual sections that collectively make up a module, and are listed in its left-hand navigation. A unit’s main content is found in its corresponding PDF, which you should download using the first link in the Unit PDF and downloads section. The unit PDFs should be your primary training material and lead your study.
  • Resources are the individual slides that make up the content of this site – these are signposted and linked to throughout your PDFs. These also incorporate 39 of the 47 multimedia files available within the audio/video library. While you can navigate through the resources without the links in your PDFs, many will lack context if viewed on their own.

You can find out more about the content of each module on the Choose a module page.

Using the PDFs

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The PDFs contain all your tasks, activities, and primary reading. You should download each PDF by using the first link in the Unit PDF and downloads section when you begin a unit.

Links to the online resources are placed throughout the PDFs. These links can either be accessed directly from the PDF if you’re working through it on-screen, or typed into your internet browser if you prefer to use a printout.

You will find that some PDFs include tables and exercises that may need to be filled in by hand and as such necessitate printing, so it’s worth checking ahead for these each time you start a unit, and possibly creating larger versions if you feel you’ll need more space.

Using the online resources

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The resources that appear on this site are signposted throughout the PDFs in instances where they:

  • Relate to the preceding or subsequent content
  • Are required to complete a task or activity

We’ve provided links and URLs throughout the PDFs that you can use to reach each resource directly.

Alternatively, you can also browse through the online resources using the left-hand navigation and the pagination control that appears at the bottom of each resource slide.

Please remember, though, that the online resources are intended to complement, rather than lead, your study, and should not be used in isolation without referencing the PDFs.

Using your learning log

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Your learning log (Word, 45KB) is a template that you can download at any time as you work through each unit, using the ‘Download a learning log’ link.

This is an editable Word document that you can either fill in on-screen, or print out and complete by hand.

It has been designed to help you keep track of your progress through each unit. We recommend that you start a new learning log each time you begin a unit, and keep it regularly updated to reflect on your learning.

The Unit PDF and downloads section

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The most important link in the Unit PDF and downloads section is to a unit’s main PDF, which you should download and use to lead your study.

Most units will also have a number of supplementary links to useful files and web pages. These range from supporting evidence and information on third party websites, to activity sheets and appendices that we’ve created specifically for these materials.

So if your unit’s main PDF makes reference to an activity sheet or appendix, you should be able to download it here.

Any file or link that you select from this area will open in either a new window or tab (depending on your browser).